Discover all the information about your consumer through a market research, in order to be successful in accurate, fast and realistic decision making

Market research online



With Kuvut technology and our cosumer panel, we obtain reliable, agile and accesible market research.


More than 10 years of experience in strategic consulting and market research.


We get consumers from our own community, creating a segmented and high quality consumer panel.


We adapt the campaings to fit your needs: Physical and Online format, qualitative and quantitative market research.


Actual and updated knowledge of qualitative methodologies of co-creation and design thinking.


With more than 80.000 consumers on our DB, and thanks to the filter and categorization system we have available at our own consumer panel, we can segment by an infinity of categories, products, usage or attitudes.
Thanks to that, you will be able to have a quality market study with a panel focused on your target and not professionalized. We nurture our DB with thousands of users every month through our own channels and important collaborations with platforms such as Glovo, Zity, Movo, Free2Move.


Let yourself be assessed by our team with more than 10 years of experience in strategic consulting and market analysis. We will manage entirely your market research in every step of the way:

  • Candidate selection
  • Product shipping and cashback
  • Management
  • Market research
  • Report
Experience in strategic consulting and market analysis
Experience in strategic consulting and market analysis


Let yourself be assessed by our team with more than 10 years of experience in strategic consulting and market analysis. We will manage entirely your market research in every step of the way:

  • Candidate selection
  • Product shipping and cashback
  • Management
  • Market research
  • Report


We offer a wide variety of qualitative and quantitative solutions for market research adapted to the present times, on online or physical formats:

  • Explore product viability
  • Existing Product / Service Improvement
  • Customer Journey Maps
  • New areas of opportunity
  • Buying obstacles and barriers
  • New consumption needs
  • Communication campaigns fine-tuning
Solutions for market research online or physical


Our experience in qualitative, quantitative, co-creation (offline &online) and design thinking methodologies, will allow you to optimize your market study and get segmentation, control and speed in your results, so you make the right decision as soon as possible.
  • Online surveys
  • Video calls
  • Product testing
  • APP and Web testing
  • Qualitative activities
Optimize your market study and get segmentation, control and speed in your results
Optimize your market study and get segmentation, control and speed in your results


Our experience in qualitative, quantitative, co-creation (offline &online) and design thinking methodologies, will allow you to optimize your market study and get segmentation, control and speed in your results, so you make the right decision as soon as possible.
  • Online surveys
  • Video calls
  • Product testing
  • APP and Web testing
  • Qualitative activities

KINDS OF market research

Qualitative market research


Focus groups (online & offline)
Participative forum
Concept testing
Ethnographies and E-ethnographies
In-depth interviews

Quantitative market research


Mystery Shopper
Online Surveys
Product Testing
Consumer Scanning
Consumer Satisfaction

Creativity and Trends market research

Creativity and Trends

Co-Creation Workshops
Interview with Experts
Lean & Design Thinking
Ideation Sessions
And much more!


Discover Needs

Discover and satisfy correctly your consumers’ real needs


Adapt your offer and strategy successfully when turbulences arise within the market, such as Covid-19

Increase Acceptance

Use co-creation and design thinking methodologies to increase your product’s acceptance and sales.


Discover what will be the next innovation that will connect you with your consumer

Understand the Market

Identify which competitor they are buying from and why

Engagement and Marketing

Discover which consumers’ insights you can use for a more powerful and effective communication
Business Case

Committed to your objectives


You would have done as usual without having the opportunity to improve your studies management and results.

Nuestro panel de consumidores no es profesionalizado. Llevamos más de 10 años trabajando en el sector del
gran consumo y realizabndo benchmarks por categorías.

It depends on what you want to investigate an the methodology you want us to apply. We propose low cost solutions and also great investigation projects. Contact us and we will prepare a personalized budget for you.

We are in charge of managing the whole campaign and generating content. The only thing we need from you are the sources where we can get it and we adapt it. Nothing is published without the client’s approval.

Normally, it takes a week to prepare all the campaign’s contents and activities. But, if it were necessary to have an “express launch”, we could have it ready within 72 hours.

If you are interested in our services, from ad-hoc integrations of our technology in your CRM, to specific WOM campaigns, Sampling, Influencer Marketing, market research or reviews, complete the form and we will start working to meet your goals!

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