The most versatile free trial
With Kuvut technology and our great DB,
we get thousands of purchases from your potential customers

It generates sales "in-store" and also on-line.

Data analytics
Understand your consumers to gain loyalty and attract new customers.

Impact your target on the supermarket shelves.

Expand your objectives by activating UGC modules and Influencers, leads, training.
Push your sales according to your needs and goals thanks to cashback and our OCRKuvut technology.
- Rotation on the linear
- Increase sales frequency at new distributor
- Penetrate the shopping cart in new homes

We have data on thousands of purchase tickets. Also thanks to other Kuvut participatory marketing campaigns, we have comparative benchmarks and NPS that will help you to know the acceptance and recommendation of your product vs. its category.
- + 300 benchmarks according to categories
- + 1600 products surveyed with NPS:
- Personal care: +400 products
- Food: +700 products
We have data on thousands of purchase tickets. Also thanks to other Kuvut participatory marketing campaigns, we have comparative benchmarks and NPS that will help you to know the acceptance and recommendation of your product vs. its category.
- + 300 benchmarks according to categories
- + 1600 products surveyed with NPS:
- Personal care: +400 products
- Food: +700 products

Thanks to our great community and the filter system, we find your potential client and offer them the Cashback service for the purchase of a product that may interest them.
- Selection of participants: according to filter survey in campaign.
- Push notification segmentation: web and app.
- Extra communication on the same shelf: When there are no limits or filters in the target, we can further boost sales by:
- Posters
- Stoppers
- Boxed Flyers

We can expand the Cashback with new actions tailored to your secondary goals.
We can expand the Cashback with new actions tailored to your secondary goals.


In the product
The product has a sticker (or similar) that informs the client about the promotion and directs it to a URL / landing where he can send us the ticket. This landing uses our OCRKuvut technology.
As an option, you can also boost sales with posters and stoppers in certain supermarkets.

In Kuvut
The campaign is advertised exclusively in our app and only the Kuvut database will participate.
In this case, the product does not need to be identified with the promotion.

In Kuvut and the product
The cashback campaign, apart from being advertised in the store through the product sticker, is also advertised in the Kuvut app through a campaign visible to the entire community and through app / web push notifications, emaling and social networks.

Total discount - Try me for free
We make a total cashback by returning 100% of the value of the product

We make a partial cashback returning between 10% and 90% of the value of the product.




Specialized stores


Yes. Thanks to the monitoring that our app allows us to carry out, we can easily limit the amount of Cashbacks according to the limits established by the brand.
Normally 3 days is enough to prepare the content and the campaign in Kuvut.
If you want to promote Cashback with stickers on the product, the time required will be determined by the agility in which the brand is able to label and distribute its products.
In any establishment such as a physical supermarket, online, pharmacies … Cashback is made through the application directly to the user / consumer, without it being necessary for the establishment to intervene at any time.
There is no exact number. It depends on various factors: product, discount, distribution, target … Contact us and we will study your campaign