How Experimental Marketing Enhances WOM: Word Of Mouth

Consumers speak and, now more than ever, they dare to tell the world the good things about products… in ingenious and attractive ways. What’s truly interesting about this, is that when a consumer finds something to be amazing, they don’t doubt to encourage their close ones to try the same. In the wake of this, WOM (Word Of Mouth) strategies are perceived by FMGC brands professionals as one of most efficient marketing tactics.

On this post, we will tell you about how this marketing strategy (WOM) has been one of the most chosen for years, how it has mutated through time and, why it is so important for brands to do WOM (Word of Mouth) activities, meaning… what makes this kind of marketing so outstanding?
How Was WOM Carried Out In The Past?
Years ago, product recommendation generated through this marketing strategy consisted mainly of a real conversation (face to face), meaning, one person told others, for instance, about how exquisite were those new cookies they tasted at a close-by supermarket.
With the emergence of social media, everything changed. Nowadays, the reach a WOM (Word of Mouth) action has is way superior than what we used to know. Now, when a consumer uses social media to share their experience with one brand (tweeting, sharing something on Facebook, on their Instagram stories or making a fun Tik Tok video), the impacts are multiplied by thousands.
So, today, doing a WOM campaign implies that consumer speak about the products sharing content with an image of the brand or related to it, making recommendations and reviews online… anyways… generating material to be shared on their social media impacting hundreds of thousands of people.
Why Is WOM (Word Of Mouth) Advertising So Important?
Well, the answer to that question comes from you making yourself the following questions: if your friend recommends a clothing store with excellent prices and great quality, would you like to see it? or would you consider to buy there? Another: if your mother, your father or one of your siblings tell you they have tasted a food brand they have loved and has made their lunches a more practical experience, wouldn’t you want to try it too? There is the answer to why WOM Word of Mouth is important.
It is definitely an invaluable marketing strategy, that allows to increase brand knowledge and the number of testing / buying (they will buy your product to test it because certain person recommended it).
As a matter of fact, a study conducted by Nielsen, reveals that 92% of all consumers trust more in the recommendation of family and friends than on daily adverting (marketing campaigns on radio, TV, Out of Home advertising…) Also, it detected that 76% of people trust on online reviews (rates & reviews) almost with the same certainty offered by their loved ones.
So, definitely, there is no doubt that a WOM Word Of Mouth strategy is one of the best tools to positively influence in the minds of potential consumers, about what the brand is and its products.
Keep in mind that, to a bigger number of people talking about your brand (online and offline), there will be more brand knowledge and awareness which, consequently will attract a bigger number of potential customers towards the supermarket perches looking for your product.
Finally, there is only one more thing left to say: spreading the word on a good product or brand, is what will allow it to stand out over their competitors and will boost it to the top of the industry.